• Welcome to Selkirk College's Teach Site

      This site contains Teaching and Learning Resources & Moodle 4.0 Training

    • Hello, Instructors! 

      Selkirk College is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment for not only individuals who may experience barriers but also the general student population. The Duty to Accommodate falls under the Human Rights Code of British Columbia and aims to remove obstacles while promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. 

      A working group of accessibility services and teaching learn staff has been formed to increase accessibility in our online learning environments. We are currently piloting the ATBar plugin on Teach, which you may notice as an addable block within your Moodle playsite. 

      If you have any questions about the ATBar or would like to be a part of the working group, please send an email to scunningham@selkirk.ca. We need some instructors in the working group! 

      If you have other inquiries about accessibility options for your classes, please email welcomecentre@selkirk.ca.